Weigh In Day

Okay, so let's get right to it right now: I lost FIVE POUNDS this week. Okay, so "technically" I lost three pounds since I gained two pounds last week. This weigh in was really scary for me and I am going to have to work my ass off this week to keep that five pounds off. I don't want to have a big loss this week and gain it back next week. And then I tell myself to just breathe, calm down, and be happy about the loss. I earned it. I am going to continue walking, building up time and length of the walk.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Longer post later!


  1. H.K. said...
    5 pounds is great! And take that number for what it's worth, even if you did gain two pounds last week. 5 pounds is a good number and it is definitely something to smile about.
    "4 oz" said...
    Wow - 5lbs?! That is awesome! Congrats!
    Anonymous said...
    WOO HOO!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! You just lost a 5 pound bag of potatoes! Holy crap -- can you visualize how much that is???
    Chubby Chick said...
    Wow! Congrats on the loss! :)

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