I need a break. Honestly. The past few weeks for me have been draining. I have watched as the scale has stayed the same with only just the slightest change. Today, I am 243... .8 up from last week. I'm willing to bet it's water. I haven't been able to eat and drink like I'm supposed to. I've been eating a lot of crackers and other easily digestible items. I can't eat raw veggies at the moment because they make me feel like my stomach is going to fall out of my body. I have to be really careful what goes into my mouth. Last night was the first night in about a week I have eaten protein. And, I had to take something so I would not get sick. Water makes me want to gag right now. So, I need a break.
I'm still going to watch what I eat, track my food, and find easy to digest items that are also easy on the calories. I desperately want to lose weight but the fact that my stomach is not cooperating and the scale is not cooperating makes me feel like I just need to take a break. Start over. Refocus. Something.
And read Twilight. Have you heard about these books? I read the first last week and half of the second last night. My plan is to read more today.
But I need to refocus. So, if you don't hear from me in a little bit, don't worry. However, if it's more than a couple of weeks, send out a search party. My email is bagwell123 at gmail dot com. I'll be out trying to forage food to eat, reading Twilight, and getting refocused.
I've read all of the Twilight books... and I love them! The movie was good, too. :)
And I was ADDICTED to the Twilight books! I read all four in a span of 2 weeks, and that was just because I had to wait for them to arrive after I bought them online.
I hope you're feeling better *Real soon*!
Enjoy the Twilight series! I read them all in about two months, they were kinda addicting, but at zero calories, I didn't care.
Hope you enjoyed Twilight! :)
I'm sending out the search party for you ....