Morning Time

How important are your mornings to you? Do you go full speed in the morning or is it your "you time?" For me, the mornings are the best time of the day. Normally, it is quiet because my mom is at work and my grandmother is sleeping. My mom goes to work at 5:15 and I get up around 5:30 or 5:45. This is my computer time, time to blog, and think about my day. It's important to my mindset.

But not this morning. This morning my grandmother is awake. Oh my dear she awake. I am still blogging as she is talking but it doesn't feel the same. There is no tuning her out, no not listening to her.

Oh well. Hope everyone has a good day.


  1. Angie in T.O. said...
    I love my mornings! I wake up anywhere around 5:30'ish to 6AM. I get up, make my coffee and then it's my time to blog read e-mail and comment on other blogs. This last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. After that it's full speed ahead to get ready to leave for work. Rob is usually getting up as I'm heading out the door at 8AM (we have different work schedules). I enjoy my mornings to myself, and he enjoys his evenings as I'm going to bed when he gets home from work. And your right, it isn't the same when someone else is up in the house, especially if they're chatting at ya!
    Anonymous said...
    I know exactly what you mean! I love my morning time. LOVE. And when the baby wakes up early, it totally disrupts my schedule. I usually feel off-balance the rest of my day.

    Of course, now I'm more "rushy" with my new job, grrrr, but hopefully it will settle down in a while.
    Carol said...
    I am my best in the morning, I am more creative and I love to watch the news and drink coffee. I know it is hard when someone interrupts your schedule. But I am sure she will not be doing this much. I hope.
    "4 oz" said...
    My mornings are the highlight of my day. They are definitely ME TIME. In fact, breakfast with coffee is the only meal that I have at my house at least 5 days a week. Other than, I'm running between jobs (I work a PT at night plus my FT job) and eating dinner at one job before starting the next, or I'm headed to my boyfriends house and spending the night there. My schedule is pretty hectic. But my mornings consist of my workout, my breakfast and coffee, and usually I like to watch something that I have on my DVR. I love morning time...
    Beth @ Kitchen Minions said...
    Gosh, I am SO not a morning person, I want everything to be smooth and easy and be taken care of. All I want to do is watch The Today Show! I do not want to interact with anyone until after coffee!
    ellie said...
    Oh..I do my best in the morning..just not before 5 I'm afraid.

    I hope your day gets better.

    Keep writing.

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