A Little Longer Today

I am so proud of myself. I walked a little longer today. I took Mocha with me and bless her heart, even she was panting heavily when we were finished. She was ready to go home. I may walk after dinner as well. I am trying to do things in small increments so it's not so overwhelming. My legs always feel so good after I go walk.

I am losing weight at small increments and setting weight goals as well. I am losing 10 pounds at a time. My next goal is 235 and I am at 244.2 right now. If I lose 10 pounds at a time, it's not such a big challenge. I say to myself, "Self, you have lost 10 pounds..You can do another."

I hope everyone is having a good Monday or had a good Monday. The worst part is over. Four days til Friday!


  1. "4 oz" said...
    I like your 10lb concept. It does make the goal more attainable when you break down into smaller increments. As the weather gets better, I'm sure your walks will be even more enjoyable!
    Angie in T.O. said...
    I set small goals too, 5lbs a month, that's my goal. I thinking adding a little more time to your walk is a great idea, just a couple minutes more every time or even every week will add up big time! Good for you!
    Anonymous said...
    Crystal this is exactly what I do. I have small goals...I want to lose 5 pounds by son's birthday or 10 pounds by x date. Doing it this way DOES make it seem very attainable. Otherwise, I'm staring at having to lose 70 pounds and automatically feeling like there is no freakin' way.

    Great minds must think alike. :o)

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